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Labor pension

In a calm and serene setting, Antoine and Caroline Lanoy offer you to take your horse to work boarding with boxing accommodation, daily paddock outings, horse work 6 days a week, respecting the horse and its physical integrity.
Gentle riding, drawn from the various teachings of the great masters of French and Portuguese horse riding, with a philosophy of lightness as a guideline.
Price: 600€ / month
Contact us for more information at (Caroline) or (Antoine)

Our Facilities:
Our stables:

The career:
A 40m/20m balcony quarry in fiber-reinforced Bayeux sand with a floor of sand from the bay of Mont Saint Michel in the basement. A working equitation course is available, as well as pillars (with Bayeux saber flooring) to work on the Piaffe at the pillars.

Our Paddocks: Our paddocks are individual, (but adjoining) fully enclosed with wooden fences and solar-powered electric fences. And we have a sand paddock for the winters.

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