El Duende Stable
The el duende stable offers you à la carte services according to your expectations. From the simple animation to the complete show, we intervene day and night in all the reception structures. Our cavalry is made up of purebred Spanish, Lusitanian and Friesian horses.

Team and Cavalry


Team and Cavalry:
Poesting: Whole Friesian born in 2002. High school dressage, garrocha, show tunes, pawing on parquet, riding side-saddle. On retreat at home
Hercules JMD: Gray gelding, Purebred Spanish born in 2010, trained by Caroline Lanoy his Rider. beginning of high school, garrocha, reins on the belt, illuminated numbers in the dark
Valiente: Gray gelding, Lusitano born in 2009, trained by Antoine Lanoy his rider. High school dressage, work on foot, garrocha, show tunes, piaffe on the parquet floor
Puma: Whole Isabelle, pure Spanish breed born in 2014, trained by Antoine lanoy his rider. low school, early learning of high school movements, show tunes
Hélios: Gelding Isabelo (Pearl gene) Lusitano born in 2014. Trained by his rider Caroline Lanoy. Low school, show tunes. Initiation to freedom.
Antoine lanoy: Rider and trainer.
Caroline Lanoy: Rider and trainer.
Events 2019 and 2018:
Equi'days of Calvados: (October 2019) at the Hippodrome de Vire
Caen International Fair (September 2019)
Private party at Haras de saint lô (September 2019): Show "emotions"
Horse festival in Vauville (50) (August 2019)
NHS at the equestrian center of Saint Lô (August 2019): show "the faceless prince"
The feast of Saint Anne (July 2019): show "the faceless prince"
The Tourp Histories (July 2019): "Faceless Prince" Show
Festival of the squires at the 500th anniversary of the Château de Chambord (June 2019) : Presentation of horse riding in the Portuguese tradition in the presence of the Cadre Noir and the Republican Guard.
Celebrating beef in Maltot (May 2019)
Paris horse show (December 2018)
Angers Horse Show (November 2018)
Show of the autumn meeting at the equestrian center of Saint Lô (September 2018): Presentation of our show "emotions"
International Pony Game Championship at the Pole Saint Lô horse show (September 2018): Show "emotions"
Horse festival in Vauville: (August 2018): emotional show"
NHS at the equestrian center of Saint Lô (August 2018): Show "emotions"
Feast of beef in Maltot (May 2018)
The Fairs :
Paris (December 2019) : qualification for the European competition for young equestrian talents "Équi'star"
Angers (November 2019): qualification for the European competition for young equestrian talents "the equestrian stars"
Paris (December 2018) : we were selected to take part in the Equi'star European competition for young equestrian talents and came 4th
Angers (November 2018): Participation in open stages
Spectacle à l'Abbaye du Valasse:
A l'occasion de la Fête du cheval organisée à l'Abbaye du Valasse lors d'un week end de 2 jours à la mi Août, nous avons eu le grand plaisir de présenter notre spectacle, ainsi que de faire des déambulations sur ce magnifiques site. Caroline a pu présenter au public toutes ses plus belles robes confectionnées de ses mains... Nous avons encore une fois partagé la piste avec l'artiste très complète Elisa Laville...Toujours un plaisir de la revoir, ainsi que sa famille!
Le site est splendide et l'accueil a été particulièrement chaleureux! Voici une expérience que nous aurons grand plaisir à renouveler!
"Les jeudis du Pin": au Haras du Pin
Chaque Jeudis pendant 2 mois 1/2 nous avons eu le privilège de participer aux traditionnels "jeudis du Pin au Haras National du Pin, avec nos prestations en carrière extérieure et le final devant le Château du haras en compagnie des magnifiques calèches anciennes tirées par les Percherons du Haras. (Crédit photo David Commenchal )


Spectacle "Le Printemps" au Haras National du Pin
En Juin 2022, nous avons eu le plaisir de participer pendant les mois de Juin et Juillet 2022 au spectacle "le Printemps" au Haras National du Pin. Nous avons proposé 2 numéros: "la mort de l'hivers" avec 2 chants traditionnels Viking à capella
et combat au bâton et "le printemps Andalou" lors d'un pas de deux festi sur un Tango espagnol!(Crédits photos: Stéphanie Péricat)

"La mort de l'hivers"
"Le Printemps Andalou"

"Carnaval Party" show at Haras National du Pin :
During the 2022 winter holidays, we had the great honor of participating in the "Carnaval Party" winter show at the sumptuous Haras National du Pin. A new project for the stud which was to offer a show over the winter period... A great success, because the public was there, more than delighted to see this beautiful and colorful show! For the occasion we proposed 4 new numbers, created for the occasion... We went beyond our usual creations by adding comedy, Omega our malinoise and the presence of Liam, our 6 year old son!
Our first issue, "masked ball at the Carnival of Venice"

Our number "the snow queen" , a real pleasure to see the wonder of the children when I turn on my dress and my harness and the lights go out... Their song resounds even in the stables


Our numbers on the Spanish feria ... Nothing more festive than a garrocha number on music punctuated by the clapping of hands!

Our comic number with the participation of Liam, our 6 year old son and Omega, our 3 year old malinoise:

The Legend of the Eclipse:
In September 2021, we presented our new number "the legend the eclipse with our son Liam Lanoy at the Haras National de Lamballe.

Our different image services
Pandora's box:

Number from the show "the gods of Olympus". (creation of the el duende stable, by Caroline Lanoy
Presentation of the number :
" In Ancient Greece, Zeus, God of Gods, had a marvelous creature fashioned, adorned with all the gifts : Pandora, the first Woman ! Deceitfully, Zeus gave him a box never to be opened and sent him to Earth. But once on Earth, she broke her promise and opened the box ! And all the misfortunes that Zeus had hidden there escaped from it… Disease, War, Famine, Violence, Slavery, Lust poured out on the Earth ! Only hope remained in the box... And so was born humanity as we know it ! In an Olympian setting, Antoine and Caroline Lanoy from the el Duende stable will make you live with their horses the epic of Zeus, Pandora and Humanity, in a number combining high school dressage, reins on the belt and dance... a sparkling number ! Vote stable el duende ! »
The Essence of Passion

Issue from the show "emotions", this humanist show advocates the taste of life, emphasizing a whole range of emotions revealed by music and horses. Love, complicity, living together, mourning, joy, fun, celebration, work, madness, imagination… these are all the little things that make each of us unique.

The Faceless Prince

(With the participation of Marine Forestier)
Festival des Ecuyers at the 500th anniversary of Chambord

Andalusian Feria
The show " Andalusian Feria will transport you to Andalusia in Spain. A region rich in traditions, with multiple colors, with a passion for horses and dance... Flamenco. Each chapter of this show will invite you on a journey into this fascinating culture that is very close to nature. An exotic narration, fiery and dancing Iberian horses, a bewitching Flamenco dancer, singing and festive music...and a light smell of incandescent embers... Let yourself be carried away in the " Andalusian Feria » !!!!